2025 Campers Survey 2025 CAMPER SURVEYThe following survey questions help your FOSPW members and admin create better events for the park!Are you a member of the Friends of Springwater?* Are you a member of the Friends of Springwater?*Note: Members of the Friends of Springwater have signed a membership form with the secretary.YesNoI’d Rather Not SayYour Site Location* Your Site Location*White’s MillKing FisherPine RidgePoplar HillSpruce WoodsYour Site Number Your Site Number(Optional – let us know your site number so we can reach out to you if you would like us to)General Event QuestionsGreat! Now, let's see if we can figure out what things you really like to do at Springwater!Are events important to you at Springwater?* Are events important to you at Springwater?*YES! I love eventsI like events, but I equally like spending time at my campsiteI prefer spending time at my campsiteIn General, what types of events are your favorites?* In General, what types of events are your favorites?*FoodGames (BINGO, cards, etc)Music (Karaoke/Live Bands)SportsTournamentsOther:Specific Event QuestionsOk, let's keep going…In 2024, what events did you or your family participate in?* In 2024, what events did you or your family participate in?*BarbequesBingoCanada Day CarnivalCanada Day Vendor FairChili CookoffChristmas in JulyCornhole Tournament(s)Game Nights (Family Fued, etc)Halloween In The ParkKaraokeKids Fishing DerbyKids Tie DyeKids Video Game TournamentMother’s Day and Father’s Day CraftsPool PartyPotlucksThe Amazing Race EventThe Schmoe Brothers BandI Did Not Participate IIn Any EventsIN ANY EVENTBased On Your Answers To The Last Question, Please Rate The Events You Or Your Children (Grand Children, etc.) Attended. Based On Your Answers To The Last Question, Please Rate The Events You Or Your Children (Grand Children, etc.) Attended.BBQ’sBINGOCANADA DAY CARNIVALCANADA DAY VENDOR FAIRCHILI COOKOFFCHRISTMAS IN JULYCORNHOLE TOURNAMENT(S)GAME NIGHTS (Family Feud, etc.)HALLOWEEN IN THE PARKKARAOKEKIDS FISHING DERBYKIDS TIE DYEKIDS VIDEO GAME TOURNAMENTMOTHER’S & FATHER’S DAY CRAFTSPOOL PARTYPOTLUCKSTHE AMAZING RACE EVENTTHE SCHMOE BROTHER’S BANDIf you have to pick one, what would be your most favorite event? If you have to pick one, what would be your most favorite event?If you had to pick one, what would be your least favorite event? If you had to pick one, what would be your least favorite event?VOLUNTEERINGA few events we host require volunteers, and our camper community is always there to help and we sure do appreciate it! Here is the list of events that we know we will need your help with this year.Please click any events that you see below that you would be willing to help organize or execute this year. Please click any events that you see below that you would be willing to help organize or execute this year.If you wish to remain anonymous for this survey, please click the events anyway and reach out to us by messenger, text, or when you see us at the park!Father’s Day Craft EventMother’s Day Craft EventKids Fishing TournamentAylmer Fair Ticket Booth (Fundraiser for us Saturday August 9th)If you would like to provide us with your name and contact info for any of the above volunteer opportunities, you are invited to do so here. If you would like to provide us with your name and contact info for any of the above volunteer opportunities, you are invited to do so here.Overall SatisfactionOk, this is the last section, we promise!ON A SCALE OF 1 TO 10, PLEASE LET US KNOW YOUR OVERALL SATISFACTION WITH THE EVENTS THAT THE FOSPW EXECUTIVE PUT ON FOR THE CAMPGROUND.* ON A SCALE OF 1 TO 10, PLEASE LET US KNOW YOUR OVERALL SATISFACTION WITH THE EVENTS THAT THE FOSPW EXECUTIVE PUT ON FOR THE CAMPGROUND.*BASED ON YOUR ANSWER TO THE LAST QUESTION, WHAT CAN WE DO BETTER? BASED ON YOUR ANSWER TO THE LAST QUESTION, WHAT CAN WE DO BETTER?DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA FOR AN EVENT THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO CHAMPION AT THE PARK FOR 2025? PLEASE LET US KNOW HERE: DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA FOR AN EVENT THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO CHAMPION AT THE PARK FOR 2025? PLEASE LET US KNOW HERE:THANK YOU!Thank you for your participation in the 2025 Camper Survey! We really appreciate it, and your input helps us plan the events for the season! We are looking forward to seeing you all soon!Are you ready to submit your answers? Are you ready to submit your answers?YesNo